Happy Birthday Alex!
I can't believe how fast the year has gone! It seems like yesterday I found out the Alex's mom was pregnant and I was so happy for them! I photographed their wedding a few years ago and now I'm taking pictures at Mills Street Studio of this precious boy!
How sweet is this cake smash! How I love a good cake smash and taking photos of babies! Alex turned one TODAY! Whoot Whoot! Bring on the brightly colored balloons and ribbons! The best thing about cake smashes is watching these little kiddos go crazy over how tasty it is.
Honestly, when was the last time you saw someone enjoy cake for one of the first times in their lives?? I love all the squeals, giggles and crumbs of cake everywhere. Life is an amazing thing and witnessing little kids get so much out of cake is incredible.

If you would like to schedule Smash the cake session click the button HERE