Dear Sarah,
It’s Friday night and I’m sitting in my living room in front of my computer. It’s quiet. Except for the fireplace near me and the clicks of my keyboard.
It will be a confession coming from the bottom of my heart. I could easily go for Friday’s dinner with friends or spend my Friday night doing fun things but I found myself in front of my computer cuz I know how important those photos to you.
It’s Vincent’s first Birthday! And I know you wouldn’t expect your photos today but I know how you love good surprises, right?
Editing your photos I caught myself how GRATEFUL I'm. You trusted me to photograph your engagement photos, then the wedding, then maternity photos, and now I’m taking pictures of your precious 1-year-old Vincent.
The connection we made through the years is priceless to me. I’m not really good at expressing my feelings but I wanna let you know it means the whole world to me! Every single time I got an email from you my little heart is so so happy. You choose me over and over again the years.
